I read on line. A lot. And I'm not averse to a little creative diction.
"She sighed her relent." This from a short story I was
reading. Relent used as a noun; interesting. I liked it.
Wondering if it might be a noun, I looked it up. Nope, an
intransitive verb. Of further interest, though, was an entry of an obsolete use
as a transitive verb.
There were no examples, and I was too lazy to look elsewhere, so I decided to relent my search. Obsoletely.
One of my favorite, and fairly common, homonymics (a word I
believe I just made up) is this error: "I should of" in place of "I should've."
I mean, really, does what they write not have to make some sort of sense, beyond
the sound of it? Or is the written language just something to be thrown in the
blender and reduced to a mealy gruel that can sucked through a cocktail
Speaking of cocktails....