I’ve discovered Netflix.
Not the service where they mail you a movie. No, I’ve discovered Netflix on line.
This is streaming video and it’s included with the DVD mail service. What’s more, Netflix seems to be able to stream video at some very slow speeds, making it ideal for the crowded bandwidth in an RV park.

So I’ve been watching movies, one of my favorite things to do. And for free, since I’m still in the 30-day trial period. They’ve got scores of movies I’ve never even heard of. I must have watched a couple dozen movies in the last week. Plus the entire
Firefly TV series, which I’d never seen, and a couple documentaries.
Hence, I’ve been neglecting everything else, including blogging—sorry about that.
On the other hand, it’s also distracted me from eating, so I give you—TA DA—The Netflix Diet!
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