Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Character Flaws

Deepest apologies for the long absencebut I've been on a honeymoon! And it was love at first sight!

Early December. I'm Christmas shopping, wandering with only minimal purpose, idly scanning both products and patrons. Suddenly, across the sales floor, in the midst of the gadabout shoppers and glassy-eyed salespeople, appears a vision in warm golden green brocade. She's broad and tall, with full arms and a plump, yet firm, back. I knew in an instant that we were meant for each other. Afraid to lose her in the rush, I plow through the holiday crowd. At last, breaking free, I rush the last few yards and throw myself into the arms of the most seductive recliner I have ever met. Three days later we moved in together; the intervening months have been one long orgy of unadulterated relaxation.

My extreme R&R—and the fact that I refuse to pay for internet service nor to much inconvenience myself in finding hot zoneshas resulted in my thoughtlessly long absence from the waves. Hey, whaddaya want? So I'm not just lazy, but cheap too. Believe me, those are not my worst features.

Anyway, for the moment, I’m back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Uncle Genie, it's us Canadians here, Merv and Lynn, just found your blog, nice to hear that you are still alive and kicking!!! The trip home was all that was expected, colder, colder and then COLD! I miss the sun and of course your company. Hope Paul and Peg are keeping you company for the time being. See you next season. Love and hugs.