Sunday, October 11, 2009


Cold and rainy, but when it's not raining it's actually quite damp.

The Otter is his usual temperate and courtly self.

And with the Otter I can be my real self: an overbearing and obnoxious know-it-all--whether it's due to his gentle tolerance or his covert inspiration I'm not certain. What's more, he's the only person I know who can argue with me without getting upset. Including me. I will stoop to name-calling before I'll admit I'm wrong.

Did I mention I love to argue? About anything. I don't even have to know what I'm talking about, and that covers a fairly wide range of topics.

So the Otter, with the help of the (Legal) Beagle, another exceptional former classmate, has been taking me on a whirlwind tour of unique Gateway City eateries. There's a passel of 'em.

This is grand!

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