Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Under consideration

It's warm. Very warm. Not by local standards, of course, but folks that have air conditioning have been using it for several weeks now. I haven't turned mine on yet.

I did buy another fan. Now I have 4, including my rig's tiny bathroom exhaust fan. It's the fan that's tiny—come to think of it, so is the bathroom. The others are an odd assortment, but I won't bore you with that. Anyway, one or more of these fans are running 24/7.

It's actually not too bad. I mean, if I had to be doing manual labor right now, it wouldn't be much fun. But sitting here, just having finished an icy cold Coke—it's tolerable.

But it takes the fun out of cooking. As a result, for supper last night I had microwave popcorn and grapes for dessert. The chicken, pork, fish and steak in the cold storage are just dreams waiting for a rainy, cool day. Which have become fewer and farther between.

It will be cool in the San Juans. I think I'll stay in South Fork. I'll be just a stone throw from where the South Fork River joins the Rio Grande. It will be cool there.

I'm thinking about starting a second blog. One of different content. It's caused me to start reading the news again. I don't like reading—or hearing—the news. If it's not bad news it's stupid news. And if it's not stupid news it's outrageous news. I discovered a few years ago that filling my head with bad, stupid and outrageous stuff makes me feel awful.

And so I purposely detached myself; I quit reading, watching or listening to the news. I quit reading novels with gruesome plots. I quit writing about everything that was bad, stupid and outrageous. I even quit arguing—well, I cut back a lot. And I became a semi-hermit, only going out as necessary.

But when this darn Obama was elected, I was struck with a deep, ominous twang. It took me a while to identify the feeling, having been absent it for so long. Just as I feared—it was hope. Damned hope returns. Nertz! I don't need it. Life is much simpler without it. Now I probably have to start another blog.

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